Consult the two sections of your Wallet
- General - where you can see the balance of the single tokens you own, as well as your balance in FIAT Currencies. By selecting a single Cryptocurrency and/or FIAT Currency in your Wallet you can either deposit or withdraw money
- Moneybox - where you can choose one or more of the Cryptocurrencies available and alternatively
- transfer a given number of Cryptocurrencies from your Wallet to an autonomous secondary wallet or ‘Moneybox’. This service is free of charge and once the transfer has been made to the Moneybox it will always be possible to withdraw the full amount, again without any charge;
- OR set up a recurring purchase towards the Moneybox, selecting the frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), the amount to be transferred and the source from which to withdraw it (Wallet in FIAT Currencies, Satispay, other payment methods).