If you have any issues during signing up to Young Platform, it may be because
- You already have an account - you will get an error message when trying to enter the new credentials. You cannot have more than one Young Platform account.
- Your email address is not valid. Check that your email domain isn't private or outdated. If you still get issues, sign up using another email. We do not recommend using Yahoo domains.
- Unsupported countries
If you are both a national of and are resident in one of the countries below, you won't be able to sign up with Young Platform -
- Afghanistan
- American Samoa
- Bahamas
- Botswana
- China
- North Korea
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- Guam
- Iran
- Iraq
- Libya
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Panama
- Puerto Rico
- Samoa
- Saudi Arabia
- Sri Lanka
- Syria
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Virgin Islands (US)
- Yemen